On 12/22/2013 8:21 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
How did you like his harassment of MJ when Michael first appeared here?
Whenever informants join this group for the sole purpose of denigrating our spiritual teacher, it just naturally gets my interest. There's usually much more to their story than they want to reveal. I was curious why the poser "Michael Jackson" would have such animosity toward someone he's never even met.

I still want to now why a guy would want to join the kitchen staff and live in a pod for two winters at a religious school up Iowa and not enroll in a single course of instruction. Obviously MJ was not a TMO insider, but I found it somewhat offensive that he would cast aspersions of the president of the school and attempt to discuss the private sex lives of the students and the faculty. There must be more to this story than he wants us to know. Why can't he just be honest and tell us what really happened up there?

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