<< That was a pretty good post of mine, but I have no idea at all of whether 
the stuff between you and Robin was serious or not. That was just my reaction 
at that moment to a few posts. >>

 Yes, it was a pretty good post. Let's just put it up again, shall we? The 
links below are to the exchange he's referring to:



 Gosh, golly. This is serious stuff. It is shaping up as a Shakespearean play, 
a clash of "mighty opposites." The next scene should be good. The audience must 
already be pondering the mysterious revelation below that authfriend has been 
working with MZ for 17 YEARS behind the scenes to discredit Barry. Can it be 
so? Really? And who, we absolutely must know, are the equally mysterious 
"masters" that MZ serves? And what about the capitalized "Others" for whom 
authfriend declares she is working? Who on earth might they be?

And I thought all this time that FFL was just an Internet chat forum. Now I see 
it is a cloak-and-dagger tale of mighty forces, shifting alliances, outrageous 
betrayals, and turbulent passions. Perhaps there is a playwright behind all 
this, who is actually plotting a way for the reviled poster from Holland to 
regain lost ground and reign supreme, his enemies confounded and at his mercy. 
Will he choose magnanimity or revenge? We shall find out.




 Remember, folks, the whole point of the exchange was Robin's purported 
defection from me to Barry. Robin's subject heading was "Revelation and 
Conversion," and he styled his "conversion" as similar to that of St. Paul on 
the road to Damascus. Dunno about anybody else, but I have a whole lot of 
trouble imagining that Feste took that seriously. He may lack integrity, but he 
isn't stupid.





  I do recall others in which Robin disparaged you in strong terms. Whether he 
meant it or not, only he can say. I can't. Also, I did not read all the posts. 
You have a real problem, auth. For me and most other people, this forum is an 
ephemeral thing, like conversation. It's not an academic journal or a reference 
book. I think you are the only one here who obsessively combs the archives 
trying to prove other people wrong. It is a most peculiar trait of yours. And 
of course it is always YOU who has the integrity and OTHERS who lack it. Do you 
think there might be something wrong with that picture? Of course you don't, 
because you lack self-awareness, good judgment, and a sense of fairness. You 
also are a warped individual who gets pleasure from being nasty. Have you ever 
wondered why so many people on this forum dislike you? No, of course you 
haven't, for the reasons noted above. 

And please also tell your silly little sidekick Ann that I am not reading her 
messages, so she is wasting her time writing them. Tell her to go shake her 



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 See this post of mine (the one I told you to go back to that Richard had 
quoted from) for the embarrassing quote from your post:



 And I'll stop impugning your integrity when you start showing some.
 Feste blustered:

 << I have no idea what you are talking about, auth. What post of mine did you 
quote? And kindly stop impugning my integrity. >>

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