Richard I think Xeno and merudanda are also good writers, in the category of 
writers of long and medium sized posts. I think I'm pretty good with the one or 
two liners. go figure! (-:

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 12:44 PM, Richard J. Williams 
<> wrote:
Ann has some pretty deep-seated prejudices - I tried to advise her of this, but 
apparently she is under the Judy spell: combative and nasty and just plain old 
mean-spirited. She seemed pretty nice back when Robin was around - Iwonder if 
that had any effect on her writing style. 

It looks like we are down to just two writers on the forum, Barry
      and Richard. Judy, with some help from Ann, got rid of all the
      other good writers - Vaj, Curtis, and Robin. Bill has a lot of
      promise - he obviously knows a lot, but he is busy earning a
      living and that's a good thing. I'm sure he has better things to
      do than try to give any knowledge to Judy. Bill knocked her off as
      a poser a long time ago.

On 12/26/2013 12:03 PM, Share Long wrote:

>With one nickname, Ricky Retardo, Ann manages to slur mentally challenged 
>people; Hispanics who still have an accent; and Richard who, imo, contributes 
>a lot of good too FFL. I've seen twofers here before, but this is the first 
>threefor I've seen. Wowzie!
>On Wednesday, December 25, 2013 9:35 PM, "" 
><> wrote:
>---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <punditster@...> wrote:
>Thanks for taking up the slack, Feste. Good work! Either Robin is a liar or he 
>has really put a lot over on this forum. Either way, Robin its a parody of 
>Judy - she can't seem to understand that she is the butt of everyone's joke 
>and has been for years. If what Robin said was a parody, Judy seemed to miss 
>it, since she failed to post a single comment about it after Robin left the 
>group. What Judy doesn't realize is that she is the reason Robin left.
>Poor Ricky Retardo. The reason Robin left was because he had much more 
>important things to do, things that would be far and away beyond your 
>comprehension or your depth. I have this on the highest authority. Why not 
>obsess on something else for a while? I know, why don't you and Sharon discuss 
>what you talk about best - nothing.
>On 12/25/2013 11:03 AM, feste37 wrote:
>>Just one of your innumerable problems, auth, is that you are so obsessed with 
>>attacking other people that you lose all clarity of judgment. You attribute 
>>the worst of motives and intentions to others when such is not the case. It 
>>is quite possible that I have misremembered something I wrote here in the 
>>past (I don't follow your links), but to misremember is not to lie. A lie has 
>>to be deliberate. The person has to know he is telling an untruth. Opinions 
>>expressed may also change over time. That is not lying, either. Your hatred 
>>distorts your ability to use words correctly, so you make false accusations. 
>>There is no need to respond
                                          with links that "prove" what
                                          you are saying, because unlike
                                          you I have no interest in
                                          going back to the archives to
                                          check on something I may have
                                          said a long time ago. Who
                                          cares? Only you. The truth is
                                          that you are a malicious
                                          individual who has an
                                          obsessive need to brand people
                                          you do not like as liars. It
                                          is a very ugly trait, auth. Of
                                          course you are unable to see
                                          it for yourself, but again I
                                          ask you: Why do so many people
                                          on this forum despise you? Why
                                          are you always involved in
                                          arguments here in which
                                          everyone is a liar except you?
                                          The best thing you could do
                                          now would be to apologize for
                                          your insulting language toward
                                          me, but that would require a
                                          level of decency on your part
                                          that you have never before
<authfriend@...> wrote:
>>(Gee, Feste, did you maybe wonder whether I might be responding to something 
>>not-so-full of festive cheer and kind words?)
>>In any case, I'd rather be obsessive than a lying jackass like you and 
>>Richard. (The "jackass" part is because your lies, and the reasons for your 
>>need to tell them, are so pathetically transparent.)
>>So here comes The Obsessive on Christmas Day, full of festive cheer and kind 
>>>---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <authfriend@...> wrote:
>>>>If they're interested, they've already seen more than enough in the past 
>>>>couple of days to know you and Feste are lying jackasses. No need to go 
>>>>back any further than that.
>>>><< Judy, I don't think anyone is interested in why Robin did or didn't dump 
>>>>you. If they were, they could go back and re-read all of Robin's messages. 
>>>>Go figure. >>
>>>>>On 12/24/2013 10:38 AM, authfriend@... wrote:
>>>>>><< Remember, folks, the whole point of the exchange was Robin's purported 
>>>>>>defection from me to Barry.
At some point you are going to have to face reality, Judy. The first step in 
this direction would to stop the fibbing. Then, and only then will you ever 
persuade anyone on this forum that you are the only one with integrity.
                                                          from FFL I
                                                          have had time
                                                          to reflect
                                                          upon my
                                                          history there
                                                          and the
                                                          characters I
>>>>>>It will
                                                          perhaps come
                                                          as a shock to
                                                          some, but in
                                                          reading Barry
                                                          more closely
                                                          and without
                                                          the intense
                                                          bias that has
                                                          gripped me
                                                          right from the
                                                          start when
                                                          Barry appeared
                                                          to make
                                                          himself immune
                                                          to the effects
                                                          of my posts, I
                                                          have concluded
                                                          Barry is
                                                          right. Right
                                                          not just about
                                                          Judy; but
                                                          right about
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>Do you suppose Richard is so far gone he didn't notice that what he 
>>>>>>quoted from Robin's post confirmed what I had just said that he called a 
>>>>>Poor fellow.

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