On 12/25/2013 12:10 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
*In any case, I'd rather be obsessive than a lying jackass like you and Richard. (The "jackass" part is because your lies, and the reasons for your need to tell them, are so pathetically transparent.)*
You're not being a very good example of a savant - as the Dear Leader of this discussion, maybe it's time for you step aside. Frankly, I'm disappointed in your output lately. Anyone coming to this discussion board these days would think this group is a being led by an obsessive minor corrector - they would probably think this group is a laughing stock of Yahoo Groups.

People don't call this the Funny Farm Lounge for nothing. The question is, why aren't you contributing much to the discussion anymore?

The answer is I guess, that you helped drive off all the respondents with the knowledge to discuss anything, except a few diehards like me, Barry and a few others. You managed to get rid of Curtis, Vaj, Robin, and Lawson and now we're left with just a few snarks from you and Ann.

Good work!

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