I'll comment on this because...uh, frankly...I set these two up to get
their panties in a twist and run around acting like cultists, and they
did, so I might as well gloat a little and rub it in.  :-)  :-)  :-)

What happened was this. A former FFL member with whom I have remained
friends -- who is a *practicing Psychologist*, by the way -- posted a
couple of contradictory letters recently. The first was by the daughter
of one of the principals in the real-life version of the events
portrayed in "The Wolf Of Wall Street" movie. She was rather upset that
the movie seemed to glorify the asshole who perpetrated identity fraud
on her, dumped her and her mother, and was eventually convicted of his
crimes and did a stretch in prison because of it. She seemed to feel
that these two sleazebags (Jordan Belfort and her father Tom Prousalis)
were not exactly the kind of role models Hollywood should be making
movies about.

Her father didn't like this much, and wrote back a long -- and from the
Psychologist's point of view, "sociopathic and manipulative" letter, in
which he basically ran the ultimate Narcissistic Personality Disorder
routine, denying any wrongdoing on his part, trying to put the blame on
everyone else (anyone else), and basically ranting like a madman.

My entire comment after reading it, characterized by Ann as "continuing
to put Robin down," "badmouthing a guy he never met," being a "libelous
liar," and by Judy (without even having read it -- anyone remember her
review of a Mel Gibson film she never saw?) as "an anti-Robin jihad"
consisted of six words, "He reminds me of Robin C." I wrote this *to* a
friend, and furthermore to one who I suspected probably shared my views
of Robin C.

That was it. That was all that it took for Ann to come roaring in to
"defend" her former (and, it would seem, still current) cult leader. I
had just finished asking her not to keep writing to me on FFL, and here
she was only a couple of days later acting like a Class A Cultist
stalking me to Facebook.

The only other comments were from the Psychologist, who basically agreed
with me that the comparison was interesting, adding "especially with his
postings on Ffld Life completely dismissing his previous guru behavior."
My followup -- and the end of the exchange -- was "Exactly, <name of

That was it. Eight words. That's what Ann and Judy are characterizing as
an "anti-Robin jihad."

Can you SAY "cultists?" I think you can.

This is *exactly* the same behavior we see when someone on FFL says
something negative about some sleazeball spiritual teacher and suddenly
his or her disciples descend on the place trying to demonize whoever
said it and "defend" the sleazeball. We've seen it happen dozens of

What's the difference when these two get their panties so twisted over a
casual exchange between friends about the similarity in both writing and
mindset between the arguably insane rantings of a sleazeball criminal
and the equally arguably insane rantings of a former minor (very minor)
cult leader that nobody sane cares about anyway? Seems to me that Ann
and Judy are very *much* cultists where Robin is concerned.

That's all. Now I'll just sit back and let them rant and scream and say
that their panties are *not* in a twist, and then try to "explain" in
dozens of posts defending Robin how they're *not* his cult followers.
Those on this forum who read what they write will probably find it most
amusing. You can thank me later.  :-)  :-)  :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  two cunts wrote:
> Barry has taken his anti-Robin jihad over to Facebook?? Unbelievable.
He can't get away with that here, because there are too many people who
know the facts. On Facebook, he can simply block anyone who knows what
the real story is. What a coward.
> > Yup, Barry has chosen his next favourite haunt, Facebook, to
continue to put Robin down. Remarking on subjects he just makes shit up
about. LIke he is some resident expert, using an unrelated to site to
badmouth a guy he never met and making his usual blather up about. Go
ahead and "hide" it Bawwy; one thing you can't hide is what a sneaky
little libelous liar you are.

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