As Barry knows, by far the majority of the, er, "reviling" with regard to 
Barry's stint with Lenz has been in connection with Barry's hypocrisy in using 
his experience with Lenz to stalk TMers and others he doesn't like (see the 
example in red below, just one of many such).

 Third, however, and as you say, if we do it here you can expect a lot of 
"piling on" from stalkers here. They'll do it for various reasons. Some will 
start piling on when they hear tales of thousands of his students witnessing 
siddhis they've *still* only read about, after 30 years of pursuing them and 
after paying thousands of dollars to supposedly learn them. Some will pile on 
because they don't like me, and they mistakenly believe that if they diss a 
former teacher I still have some positive feelings about, it'll push my hot 
buttons the same way me saying things about MMY pushes theirs, and thus I'll 
react and get into one of the Robin-like "confrontations" with them they so 
hope for. 

Just for the record, when I comment on one of Barry's posts, it is NOT in the 
hope of getting into a "confrontation" with him. That's one of Barry's many 
narcissistic fantasies. I'm happy to express my opinions and let them stand as 
such without any "reaction" from him.

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