Irmeli wrote:

People can get enlightened without these inner structures. Then they
tend to think they are fully perfect as they are and also superior
beings. They desperately need their enlightenment to be seen, and
themselves to be seen as superior, because that is their personality
structure. The personal self, that cannot work with one's issues needs
all the time adulation and a feeling of power to feel good about
oneself. Problems are seen in the world. These people can create a lot
of unnecessary havoc, but also help some in getting enlightened.

I personally think nowadays that it is probably better that people
develop the inner structures mentioned above before the experience of




Hello – I am very new on this list, but wanted to respond to this last bit. I am one of those people who somehow managed to experience things in reverse order. Strangely, it had the opposite effect on my the point that I felt I wasn’t even “allowed” one.

The real point I wanted to make about reaching those experiences before proper development is that it almost crippled my life as well as my mind. In my life I would not change a thing about the way it happened, but I can see how it can be both confusing and dangerous. Very dangerous actually….


I look forward to getting to know this list J



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