MJ, Okay so you are not necessarily anti- transcending meditation although you 
are down in the mouth about some things TM and some people TM. And by what you 
are writing you feel Maharishi evidently morally compromised himself but 
responding to criticism like yours Maharishi has been taken out of the TM 
presentation now. 
 They refer to the transcending yogic origins but no longer, “as taught by 
MMY”. TM now is standing on the basis of the accrued scientific research. 
Rightfully so. That was the revolutionary accomplishment of Maharishi to 
effectively depersonalize it in the end to be the universal teaching of 
transcending meditation. Say what you will about Maharishi otherwise he was 
masterful as a great spiritual teacher and he even out-foxed the wolves of 
materialism of Wall Street getting their money to do it. It is to the point now 
where he himself forced a change to depersonalize transcending meditation as 
the meditation state that other meditation practices and spiritual practices 
are now compared to. I'd say he played the whole game pretty well capturing the 
fort and all the territories along with it. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha! You seen that 
bumpersticker? “He who dies with the most toys wins.” Well, well. A life well 
lived. You still read like you are hurt and jealous of something. I hope you 
can heal. 
 And TM, its Truth keeps marching on.
 Glory, Glory Hallelujah! 
 -Buck in the Dome


 MJ, I don't feel some guy from South Carolina should or even can stand in 
front of transcendent meditation manifesting like it is. Like the equal rights 
in emancipation was bound to happen; the freeing of the slaves no matter how 
much the slave power of ignorant racism in ole South Carolina stood in front of 
it. This meditation is also in the manifest destiny of the Unified Field in the 
life of these United States of America too.  This transcendent meditative state 
is ultimately about equal rights for all.  You are pissing in to the wind of 
destiny and that is no good. Turn around fur the Christ's sake of the Unified 
Field if not for your own sake!
 -Buck in the Dome

 mjackson74 writes:

 Obviously you are living in some sort of Alice -in-Wonderland dream world to 
ask such questions - I am not anti-TM, only a realist. I merely put together a 
timeline of what M and the TMO has sold and when they did it. Its always been 
about the money. And I have created an updated version - look for it on other 
web pages soon.

 Dear MJ, you seem
jealous of the Maharishi in publishing this time-line of
yours and the color commentary in it. The guy
(Maharishi) evidently was incredibly successful in his life.
At the
least in leading and creating large changes in culture in a
lot of
ways the Maharishi was also quite evidently the
revolutionary and spiritual teacher in his time. And you,
some guy
from South Carolina want to pull him down. Seems more like
you are
hard riding him trying your level best to run and break him
down and
everyone else associated with him. Are you really anti-TM
or is it
you are just jealous of Maharishi? 

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