Sez Xeno, expertly demonstrating the pattern of those who find me threatening 
(and who found Robin threatening). 


 This does seem to be her pattern. As for the mechanics of consciousness, I am 
not sure there are any. The mechanics are what you do to attempt to find out 
about consciousness, and if they work out, then you come to a certain 
realisation about it, and that is that. I have found just about everyone on 
this forum has been at one time or another been helpful for understanding the 
spiritual rap except Judy and Robin. Judy is sometimes helpful as a fact 
checker, but I think she often misuses that information to continue 

---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 3/10/2014 11:34 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:

 Oh, this is funny. In the Feeb's excuse for a brain, taking apart one exchange 
of Share's constitutes dissecting every word she says. >
 It is a pattern with Judy, to try and discredit anyone she doesn't like and 
anyone who disagrees with her. She's like a bully in playground and I'm not the 
first person to note this. Judy has a bad rep on this forum for being 
antagonistic in the extreme - even to the point of being hateful at times. Judy 
is NOT a spiritual teacher, that's fer sure. Judy sucks at helping people 
understand the mechanics of consciousness. That's what I think.

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