C'mon, Nabby - surely Maitreya has told Benjy what he's gonna do with the 
non-faithful when he comes to power - if you think he's real and he's the 
living God why are you afraid to tell is what is gonna happen to us? I repeat 
my question: Tell us Nabster, what is gonna happen to folks like me and Barry, 
Curtis, everyone who ever reviled Marshy and Creme himself when the Big M, in 
this case Maitreya, actually shows himself and takes over the world? Eh, what 
is he gonna do with us spiritual hooligans?

And I did get help, that's how I quit doing TM. 
On Tue, 4/1/14, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 9:26 AM
       Three words: You Need Help
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...>
 wrote :
 Nabby likes
 ANYONE who claims to be special, above everyone else like
 Hitler with all his Aryan nonsense. People here find that
 offensive for me to say so, but the observation is obvious.
 ANYONE who lords it over everyone else. Tell us Nabster,
 what is gonna happen to folks like me and Barry, Curtis,
 everyone who ever reviled Marshy and Creme himself when the
 Big M, in this case Maitreya, actually  shows himself and
 takes over the world? Eh, what is he gonna do with us
 spiritual hooligans?
  On Mon, 3/31/14, anartaxius@... <anartaxius@...>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, March 31, 2014, 3:56 P 
 Hey Nabby, why are you so down on Buddhists? A
 few sects of this tradition still produces
 'enlightenment', though as with all traditions,
 there do not seem to be a lot of successes in this
 department. It does not seem to me that Turq is party to
 tradition these days. And, for example, what does Benjamin
 Creme have to do with enlightenment? Has he gotten you
 closer to that goal? It seems these days that
 'traditions' are going downhill in that the pursuit
 of spiritual values is taking on a more personal kind of
 search, and a more secular kind of search for the
 world's population as a whole, and the more medieval
 pockets of spirituality, the Christian fundies and Muslim
 fundies, for example, are actually becoming more isolated
 this wash of change. Agnosticism and atheism are on the
 as well as religious persons becoming more non
 From what I have heard locally, TM
 initiations have improved due to time payment plans and
 scholarships. The movement has been forced to change its
 monetary models, otherwise it will disappear. Religions,
 once the initial cult phase is over generally switch to a
 donation model once the charms of the leader no longer are
 relevant. This requires future generations of TBs to be
 programmed to feel this is a valuable thing to do. Also
 payment for 'special services' also comes into the
 picture from time to time.
 Religious organisations can be in a
 bind, because in order to preserve their special legacy,
 they are inhibited from being really creative and coming up
 with new stuff and new ways to say the same old thing, they
 tend to say it in the same old way, so unlike a business,
 they cannot survive on creativity. So models like automatic
 tithing etc., have to be programmed into the population.
 This also reduces creativity if it is successful because
 the leaders do not have to think intelligently or
 to maintain the organisation, if they can achieve a regular
 cash flow in this way.
 The big problem is keeping the
 population in the fold, because if enlightenment works, the
 person is freed from the whole illusion of tradition from
 which the experience supposedly came, but actually did not.
 Thus the survival of the organisation ultimately depends on
 its main benefit becoming scarcer and scarcer as time goes
 on. Instead of success, people are kept indefinitely in
 anticipation of success.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 wrote :
 MJ isn't the
 only loser who struggle with their success these days.
 When the Turq, in one of his usual rants against the TMO
 demanded to know how low the Initiations are these days it
 turned out that their income for 2012 was $ 47,8 million.
 Since this was published here we haven't heard a word
 about the matter from the Turq. Perhaps his Buddhist
 Overlords have convinced him to lay low for a while.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 <steve.sundur@...> wrote :
 You''ve always got
 it figured out Michael.  Doesn't matter how many
 twists and turns you have to make, the conclusion is always
 the same.  So what if the TMO has adjusted their
 message, or their pitch?  That's what
 do.  Maybe the problem you're having is that they
 seem to be having some success.  Let's face it,
 that's wall galls you.  And really, I don't
 think you're ashamed to admit it.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 wrote :
 are both full of it - the TMO is attempting to tap into a
 new tier of customers and they are doing it in part to
 distance themselves from the Old Goat because they know he
 has become a liability. I know what you are saying, as to
 M's references to the Self, but they have never done an
 ad campaign like this - everything they do is a calculated
 move to gain adherents, money and like the idiots they are,
 create a "vedic" society. 
 On Mon, 3/31/14, steve.sundur@...
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, March 31, 2014, 12:19 PM
 Now that was
 a "good catch" Judy.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 wrote :
 Er, Michael,
 more likely the New Age got "It's all the
 Self" from TM. The Self has always been a TM thing.
 It's what you're said to experience when you
 transcend, remember? Boy, you are really out in
 left field here.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 wrote :
 my God! Its happening - pulling away from its Hindu and
 "it's all science" roots and tapping into the
 vague New Age ""it's all the Self"
 hoodoo! These TM'ers are SHAMELESS in selling the
 On Mon, 3/31/14,
 nablusoss1008 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, March 31, 2014, 9:18 AM

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