> From: Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...>
   > Your scenario is much more likely than the TM spin - its amazing how 
shameless they are in screwing even their own people.

I've heard a few stories about how TM tutors were told to 
raise donations to build their TM centers. A few years after 
the centers were built, the TM-org sold the places for no 
apparent reason!!

---  <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 And of course the TM movement gets paid *full price* for the course anyway. 
The people stuck holding the bag and paying for it will be those stupid enough 
to sign up for the "bargain" TM teacher training course.

 I've got an idea. Why doesn't LAWSON sign up for this course? He's the one 
talking about how big a bargain it is, right? And he's never become a TM 
teacher, so this is finally his chance to become one. Then he could keep us 
abreast of all developments as he's assigned to teach somewhere and paid a 
living wage for the two-year indentured servant period he's signed up for. 


 But wait...that would imply that *he* actually believed in this "offer," 
wouldn't it? And that he's willing to put his financial future on the line to 
prove it. Guess that's right out...  :-)

 On Wed, 4/30/14, TurquoiseBee <turquoiseb@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] New York TM teaching is maxed out
 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 9:00 AM
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, April
 30, 2014 10:46 AM
 Subject: Re:
 [FairfieldLife] New York TM teaching is maxed out
 It's most likely true that the TMO have a lot of demand at the
 moment, they have a great PR team and loads of celebrities
 saying they do it and like it. Everyone likes celeb's,
 look at what the Beatles did for the TMO, now they've
 got Russell Brand, how can they fail!
 On the
 other hand, why should we or anyone else *believe* these
 stories about the numbers of people learning TM? It's
 NOT as if they have a track record for telling the truth.
 Or has everyone forgotten
 the lame attempt to co-opt some Mayan prophecy by claiming
 in press releases that they had gathered a group of
 "10,000 Mayans" practicing the TMSP? Then they
 published an actual photo of the "event"
 that showed at most 200 to 300 people. The TM movement lies
 all the time. Why should anyone believe anything their
 fanatical True Believers claim now?
 Also, regarding this latest "low
 cost" attempt to create new TM teachers, does anyone
 remember the *last* time the TM movement promised teachers
 "full time work?" The teachers had to quit their
 existing jobs and commit to working for the TMO full-time,
 and were guaranteed a livable salary. No one ever got paid,
 and the whole scam was abandoned within a few months and
 never mentioned again. My suspicion is that this is exactly
 what is going to happen to the poor schmucks who believe the
 sales spiel and take out loans for this course, believing
 that the loans will be "written off" after a
 couple of years of teaching full-time. There won't be
 any *need* for their teaching, and they -- who are after all
 the ones who signed the loan papers -- will be stuck having
 to repay them.



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