---In, <dmevans365@...> wrote :

 Richard, this is my name, but listen.  You outed it here.  My moniker does not 
out my name for that email, which I used by mistake.  I was being compulsive 
yesterday.  Please do not use my name again and do yourself a favor; let go of 
the need, along with Share, to relentlessly forward misconception.  Thank you.  
Try not to form a resentment against me; it might take you years to let it go.  

---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

 I think it was the word "drivel" that has hit you where it hurts, Ricky. 

 You are incorrect. I was defending your right to post drivel. 

 On 9/1/2014 8:33 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 I don't need any defending on that front, but thanks.

 What I object to, is anyone butting into the drivel conversation without first 
reading the drivel. 
 Em wasn't "butting" in, she is a regular poster to FFL. You just don't like 
being called out on your "drivel".

 Denise Evans's last drivel post to FFL was over a year ago.
 It's just like at a social gathering when a group of people are sitting around 
a table discussing something and a stranger walks up and says "You people are 
full of shit" and then singles out the one person that wasn't even at the table 
- and when they don't even know anyone or what the group is talking about. That 
is rude. If anyone did that at a normal social gathering they would be asked to 

 Nice analogy but not accurate in this case. Emily is no "stranger" plus she 
has read and responded to plenty of your posts. By the by, Emily is hardly the 
only one here who has accused you of trolling and repeating yourself although I 
think her use of the word "drivel" was unique. The rest of the guys here just 
chalk it up to mental incapacitation. I wouldn't go that far, actually, I find 
your posts humorous and apropos some of the time. 

 It was Denise Evans that used the word "drivel" and pointed a third finger at 
 What surprises me is the number of people on the list that didn't object, but 
cheered the boor on.

 "The boor"? Emily a boor? She really did find your button. But then nothing 
you say here should be taken seriously so I'll just chalk it up to a little fun 
you're having - as usual.

 Denise Evans was acting like a boor, not Emily. But, obviously Emily doesn't 
read all the posts on FFL. Often it's what people DON'T say that is important.
  I don't have anything against anyone posting drivel - people do it all the 
time - I do object to a stranger attempting to co-opt the whole conversation 
with drivel insults. However, you don't seem to mind, since you don't like 
Share anyway. It was low, real low, and makes me think a lot less of the others 
at the table.

 Ha, ha Ricky. As I said Em is no "stranger", no one is co-opting anything 
except you in this case,  and I don't "don't like Share anyway" so stop making 
things up. The only one here who I wouldn't invite to my birthday party is 

 Denise Evans is the stranger who hits and runs. And, Share thinks you don't 
like her. And, Barry is the only person NOT invited to ANY table, which is why 
he probably sits alone at a cafe.

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