Re "How could you get in unless you broke in? And, how did they keep warm in 
winter, etc. If a house was unoccupied around here, the first thing happens is 
the power gets cut off. Did they just use candles and kerosene heaters??":

 You've got me now! I'm afraid I was very bad. You can't legally break in. But 
if a house was secure people did indeed break in. If the police asked what 
happened you just said you'd found a window already broken when you arrived. 
How could they disprove that?

 When we broke in to our house in Kentish Town we asked the Sid Rawle's commune 
at Chalk Farm for help in settling in. They sent over a guy called Mervin (if I 
remember his name aright) and he connected us to the water main and connected 
us to both the electricity and gas supplies (all highly illegal). For the two 
years I lived there we never paid any bills - no rent, no rates, no heating - 
as we were off the official record. Astonishing that the power companies 
couldn't detect that we were siphoning off juice. There were popular books on 
sale, like Alternative London (sample page below), that also showed people how 
to sidestep the security measures of the power companies. I'm sure they are 
much harder to overcome today. 

 You'll be glad to learn that over the years since then I've more than paid my 
share towards the profits of our rip-off energy companies. 




---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 How could you get in unless you broke in? And, how did they keep warm in 
winter, etc. If a house was unoccupied around here, the first thing happens is 
the power gets cut off. Did they just use candles and kerosene heaters??


 From: "s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 4:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why do people sound American when they sing 
in English?
   Squatting has been popular in the UK since the 14th century - following the 
Black Death! 

 Lots and lots of dead people and acres of unoccupied land = living people move 

 Until a few years ago the Law took the view that trespassing is a civil 
offense, not a criminal one. Provided the squatters did not break-in or 
otherwise damage the property, police were powerless to remove them. Landlords 
had to apply for an eviction order and could not remove the intruders by force.



---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 you will have to explain that to us crass and crude Americans, I never heard 
of such doings as this - and it was legal at one time? Who changed the law and 
why wasn't it illegal to begin with?


 From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 3:24 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why do people sound American when they sing in 


---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :


 Sorry - I replied too fast. Re "Still there?": No, we stayed at the squat for 
two years then we got a letter from the owner saying that he was returning from 
Africa, that he'd heard the place was occupied, and could we please vacate the 
premises shortly. We did exactly that - so he never lost out from us using his 
house and we left it in good order. Would all be illegal now of course but was 
still allowed then. And we thought at the time that we were just continuing the 
Levellers work  . . . 


 Excellent, a lot of my friends did squatting and they always looked after the 
places. We all ended up in a nice empty pub once and planned our anti-poll tax 
campaign from the saloon bar. Ah, happy days.

 Am currently squatting a bit of land and have divided it up between friends 
into allotments. Worked well for a few years but interest is waning and the 
place is getting overgrown, great sense of achievement when we started though. 
We were the new diggers. 

 Shame it's all illegal now, kids these days don't know what they're missing!





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