The catnip of the self righteous: the shaming of the sinners. Heaven isn't too 
interesting without that is it "Buck?" And what is the currency of the 

Buck, from his dome:
 "You seem rather to have anger issues. You evidently are no better here than 
some ole Southern bushwhacker out terrorizing otherwise good people."
Good old fashioned ad hominem, personal attack. That is the ticket.

This place doesn't roll this way since the troublemakers left "Buck." We are 
having discussions here that allow Michael to express his feelings about the 
organization he was a part of, just like you. And people more secure in their 
own opinions don't feel the need to attack him for having ideas they don't 

I thought Michael's points were well reasoned, most of them are just movement 
points that they say themselves. In the end he gives his own opinion about it 

What about his freedom of expression riles you up so much? What is it about 
people who have come to a different conclusion about the value of the TM group 
that rivets your attention?

Is it really Michael's doubts that are causing you so much agitation?

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Son, you quite evidently are out of touch with what is Fairfield reality. 
Clearly you have a warped understanding of the meditating community here and of 
the modern TM movement now 30 years later.   "If, if, if.." you freely 
hypothesize. You clearly are impugning everything with your parade of 
suppositions as axiomatic postulates. You seem rather to have anger issues. You 
evidently are no better here than some ole Southern bushwhacker out terrorizing 
otherwise good people. -Buck in Fairfield, Ia.   

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 I'm not saying that people in FF are bad or that good things are not created 
in FF. 


 I am saying that if people donate money to the Movement because:

 A - They believe Marshy was enlightened, therefore all that came from him has 
some cosmic cachet to it
 B - They believe the Movement is going to create world peace, heaven on earth, 
sat yuga or any permutation thereof
 C - They believe that yagyas can influence the universe, people, politics, the 
weather and so on
 D - They believe that the Movement solicits money for any reason other than in 
truth to line their own pockets

 Then they are living in a fantasy world.


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2014 10:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Some Fairfield, Iowa Age of Enlightenment News:
 Nay, you misinterpreting jerk you are building a straw-man making a monolith 
out of meditators to knock over. You intentionally overlook what are perfectly 
fine and good elements in the community here to stalk and beat up. That in 
itself is so wrong that you are being horribly vile, vicious and unkind of a 
people. Reform your puking neganautical unkind bullying self, -Buck in Fairfield

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 So you are saying that people in Fairfield know BY THEIR OWN EXPERIENCE that 
TMSP practice creates world peace, that yagyas work for whatever their purpose 
is, that the Movement is creating heaven on earth, and that Marshy was 

 Y'all are drinkin' some high powered Kool-Aid!!!


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2014 8:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Some Fairfield, Iowa Age of Enlightenment News:
 No, yours is entirely wrong thinking about this. People are quite conscious 
here, comfortable with what they know by experience and have long figured it 
out for themselves. Who are you to tell peoples they are erroneous in what they 
know as their experience? You are nothing better than a communal terrorist here 
using this place to throw bombs.        -Buck in the Dome 

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 I understand the concept very well - people believe what they are told by the 
Movement, based on the erroneous idea that Marshy was enlightened and therefore 
could do no wrong and could never lie since he was merely the instrument of the 
Universe - Cosmic Mind speaking and acting through Marshy, therefore whatever 
he said was the Cosmic Self saying, teaching and doing. 


 Thus, people believe that all the hype the Movement now puts forward is true, 
specifically the idea that the Movement is going to create world peace and 
transform humanity. Thus they pony up the money whenever the Movement begs for 
it and they feel quite self satisfied that they are helping the Movement create 
heaven on earth when in reality they are merely making the people who exists 
off the Movement more comfortable, because Marshy was a liar, TMSP doesn't do 
anything except make people feel good (sometimes, when they aren't unstressing) 


 That's about the size of it. If people want to financially support the TMO 
that's their business, but they are doing it only because they believe in 


 Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2014 12:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Some Fairfield, Iowa Age of Enlightenment News:
 Dear MJ, you are being so completely negative and unkind here. Different 
people support different elements of the transcending meditation movement as 
they are interested and experience value there for themselves in it. You 
clearly are spiritually out of touch with what is going on here and that is 
pitiable, -Buck 

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 he or she is an idiot - tell them I will take half of that so send me five 
hundred thou, eh?

 Didn't it occur to the donor to ask what the hell the Movement has been doing 
with all its other money? How about the hundred thousand they collected for the 
yagya for England to get no more storms? Did the pundits need that much rice 
and camphor to do the yagya? 


 Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 7:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Some Fairfield, Iowa Age of Enlightenment News:
 A generous donor has pledged $ 1 million to support campus renovations 
necessitated by a continued expansion of Maharishi University of Management 
programs. -Buck the Prophet of Peace on FFL, fighting unkindness and the 
terrorism of Neganauts on FairfiedLife at Yahoo-groups on the internet   



 Fact is, 

FFL was overwhelmed and overtaken by unkindness!! 






---In, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :


---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 Buck, you have failed to notice that FFL is already saved. The boat is afloat 
and sailing smoothly. 


  You are flailing in the ocean pretending the ship has gone down.

 The  FFL Ship?  Pretending it has gone down?



 The good ship of Zion which was FFL has been seized by pirates and is on its 
way to Davy Jones' Locker.  It is not too late to save good pieces of it.  

  You have been thrown over numerous times without life preserver and rejected, 
yet you stay clinging to wreckage preferring yet to remain onboard a raft, out 
in a cold, soaking wet, lonely point because of some god-dammed pride and 
adherence to intractable beliefs in goodwill, truth, fairness and justice, and 
the Yahoo-groups Guidelines which no sane person would consider rational. 

 A religious man is trapped on his roof during a flood. A passing boat throws a 
life preserver and he refuses it saying "I don't need a life preserver. God 
will help me."

 So the boat continues on its course. The emergency response team comes by and 
sees him stuck there and throw him a line. He refuses saying again that he 
doesn't need them, God will help him.

 They move on to see if anyone else needs help. A helicopter then comes and 
lowers him a ladder.

 "I don't need your ladder. God will help me."

 Finally, the man drowns. When he goes to heaven he says "God, why didn't you 
help me?"

 God says "I sent you two boats and a helicopter."

 Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while.








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