On Dec 8, 2005, at 8:24 PM, anonymousff wrote:

It is not a reposting.  I think I know Tom Pall rather well and

believe it to be Tom's story.  It was not written to evoke pity to

make the statement that shrinks, except ones who are obviously in it

to cure their own misery, should be less flippant and derisive.  It

did prove one thing.  "Dr." Pete isn't perhaps a doctor.  If he is

he's most likely a vet.

Has *anyone* suggested Tom get a wrathful mantra/ishta rather than a peaceful one? Peaceful deity mantras are just peachy for your average Joe or Judy wanting to *transcend*, but special mentations require special mantras. This guys a diamond in the rough just waiting for the right method. He'd attain mirror-like Wisdom quite quickly I'd guess.

Interesting man that Tom.

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