His followers believe the country should be run like a business. Do they realize that once you set foot in a big corporation your personal rights mean nothing anymore? And most likely on the surreal chance that he ever would get into office his first address to the American public would be, "you're fired!"

On 01/24/2016 11:59 AM, olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Exactly - a one trump pony. He can understanding netting out a balance sheet, but nuance and moderation cannot be measured in dollars and cents, so he is lost.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

I watched him for a few minutes monopolizing the debate last night as usual. He is setting his position for the nomination, as he would if negotiating for that land he needs for a golf course. At this stage he has correctly calculated that the one with the most bluster, boasting, and BS, wins. Unfortunately he is readily building an audience due to the deluge of empty promises from his opponents, and beating them at their own game.

Business as usual for the trumpster. I have met and dealt with sales VPs very much like him. His playbook is standard - no surprises - Take an extreme position, insult the opposition, and don't retreat, ever, just like offering 20 mil for a hotel worth twice as much. He is running this like a textbook business school case. He won't make it all the way, but this stuff is nothing special, all corporate think and manipulation, for making the sale.Far from the monster you make him out to be, he is pretty much the standard template of the sales executive in corporate America these days. Winning is everything.

Yes, for these people "winning" is everything but of course "winning" is a matter of perspec! tive which many of these one-dimensional people have a limited view of (make the deal and you're the winner - all else be damned). Trump is not so much a "monster" because he does what he does in business. What makes him so odious, in my view, is that he is prepared to sacrifice everyone else in his bid to continue to 'conquer the world' for his own selfish reasons and he could almost do this in such a high position of power as leader of a country. The guy doesn't understand the concept of moderation, balance or selflessness. All of that in the hands of a world leader can, inevitably, make them monstrous.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

Most of his facial expressions are extremely distasteful as well; he shows his contempt for everyone and his inhumanity on his face.

You see, I don't care how many tall buildings or casinos he's built. I don't care if he can wheel a deal. I couldn't give a crap if he possesses big houses and fancy cars. I am immune to being impressed by whatever he counts as his material achievements. It all means absolutely nothing when viewed in comparison to who he is, what he says, the content he conveys. This is the measure of a person not what he can manipulate and use to his advantage in his misconstrued efforts to bu! ild an empire as testimony to his ego and perceived greatness. This man is a pathetic human being who has much to learn and everything to abandon/have the strength and wherewithal to give it all up. I just watch him and stand awestruck. He is truly one of the most subordinary humans I have yet to see hit the big time.

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