You think *possibly* quite a few women fought Alexander's armies? Really? Maybe 
they fought off rapists but I seriously doubt they fought as soldiers, but then 
maybe you could enlighten us with some archeologically/anthropological  
facts.Warriors, particularly Kshatriya were *protectors* of women, children the 
elderly and society in general. Stories of Amazons were just that, stories and 
legends by the Greeks.You might listen to a few more Maharishi tapes regarding 
the human nervous system. He frequently spoke about women having a more refined 
and delicate nervous system which allowed them to have even deeper experiences 
than many men. He also spoke about the effects of stress on human 
evolution.Maharishi said that a new born's level of consciousness is closest to 
that of the mother. What effect would something like PTSD have on a child born 
to a mother with that condition. We know the kinds of effects Alcohol, and 
drugs consumed by pregnant mothers has on new born children. 
 So far, women haven't been forced into combat situations, exposing them to 
that trauma. Do we really want to go there? Yeah, I do think exposing women to 
the trauma of combat could make them, in general, terrible mothers. In our 
current social structure, women are the nurturers while fathers are the 
providers. Do you want  mothers with PTSD raising small children? Shaken baby 
syndrome is bad enough already. Reintroducing tens of thousands of women of 
child baring age, back from combat, could only make such situations worse.
 "I have no idea what you're talking about" was probably the most intelligent 
comment you have made in that post.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 10:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Women Should be Drafted into the Military

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

WWMD? Doesn't sound very *Vedic* to me. Wondering how many women fought 
Alexander the Great. 
Possibly quite a few.  
Doesn't Maharishi talk about the delicate female nervous system and it should 
be protected to protect future generations, or sumpin like that?
What in the world does this mean?  
We're already producing a lot of *f*ed up kids as it is. 
What are you talking about here and how does this point relate to either what 
MMY said (whatever it was) or the point in question?   
Imagine women coming home from prolonged military engagements and then having 
Do you think this isn't happening?  What are you trying to imply here?  
That women who serve in the military or in combat positions will make terrible 
mothers?  Huh?  
I don't know, maybe just the *chauvinism* in me. Watcha think Emily and Anne?

I have *NO IDEA* what you are talking about.  
I'm a conscientious objector and I am completely opposed to the draft for 
If there is a draft under the most extreme of circumstances, it should be an 
equal opportunity draft.  No more baby boomer generations!  Why should society 
take care of all those extra people?  Who is going to pay for that?

  From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 12:03 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Women Should be Drafted into the Military
 Two generals recommended this idea to a senate panel.  What do you think?

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