Mckenna is right, American football players do *spear*(lead with their heads 
when tackling)their opponents, How, it is rare because it's against the rules 
and heavily penalized. Anyone being tackled will have referees watching it, so 
it's hard to get away with. The idea is to tackle with the shoulders, not hit 
with the top of the head.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, February 8, 2016 8:47 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Outstanding!
    Would love to see two NFL teams square off in a game of "touch" football! 
LOL.  Saw part of a rugby game recently and wondered why they weren't wearing 
helmets.  Here's the scoop on that, from an article in the Guardian:
"While American football may be a niche interest in the UK, rugby is often seen 
as similarly dangerous – so should David Cameron be as worried as President 
Obama? Not according to Jim McKenna, a professor of physical activity and 
health at Leeds Metropolitan University (and a rugby coach). He points out that 
American footballers tackle with their heads, butting each other in a way 
seldom seen in rugby. "They butt the opposition and their head is the tip of 
the missile, with an enormous body of weight behind them," says McKenna. 
Meanwhile, the helmets and padding the US sportsmen wear can actually make the 
situation worse, he thinks, encouraging them to use more force.In rugby it is 
spinal injuries from scrums that are the most dangerous (110 rugby players in 
Britain have been paralysed by playing the game). Allyson Pollock, a professor 
of public health, says that she is very worried about amateur rugby players, 
and especially children. Coaches, she says, are not properly trained to look 
out for the signs of concussion or taught how to deal with it – although it can 
have serious problems for children's learning and cognitive functions. She 
would like to see large-scale studies of the effects of such injuries, and says 
the sport establishment needs to think carefully about tackles. In 2010, she 
called for scrums to be banned after a study found that 190 rugby matches at 
Scottish schools resulted in 37 injuries. "Most children are not going to go 
professional, so why are their bodies being mauled and mashed and battered?"

---In, <> wrote :

I agree with Doug on this. Football gives you brain damage. What a horrible 
thing to inflict on these young men just to entertain the populace and allow 
some people to make lots of money. 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Itwas the 50th professional football stupid bowl, will it last anotherdecade in 
its present form? Apparently enrollment in junior and high school 
footballprograms is way off. Will it have sufficient recruits to draft outof 
college programs in four years?  Football asks way more from thehuman body than 
it can give. It becomes simply immoral to support itany longer given what we 
know about its injuries. How many more hitscan they sustain before they simply 
must change to become theProfessional League of Touch Football? ! ..The Super 
Bowl of TouchFootball.. !  

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Yes, the meditating Fairfield folkart community gathered enjoying its annual 
marathon viewing of the Arts&E 1995 Pride and Prejudice as contrast to the 
professional football stupid bowl of damaged brains.
Pride and Prejudice (1995) Trailer (1080p)
|  |
|  |     |  |     Pride and Prejudice (1995) Trailer (1080p) Description |  |
|     View on       |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

Good game?  Good commercials?  I'm with you on Lady Gaga, though.

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Lady Gagag knocked the ball out of the park with her Star Spangled Banner

Good game so far.Even better commercials.

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