O.K.  I get it.  Here is simplified discussion that explains it in a way I can 
understand.  It talks of how a person behaves when the gunas are "overcome" in 
a human being.  Basically, it sounds pretty much like non-reactive detachment, 
objective assessment from a place of equanimity, a conscious connection with 
"divine" energy.   

 http://www.hinduwebsite.com/gunas.asp http://www.hinduwebsite.com/gunas.asp  

 MMY was Hindu.  Basically all of his teachings reflect Hinduism.  Hinduism is 
not opposed to Christianity, necessarily (although Christianity would, in 
theory, be opposed to Hinduism).   He adds his personal twist.  

 TM is a meditation technique that can be divorced from the underlying 
philosophy/religion from which it emerged through MMY.  So is mindfulness or 

 However, if one desires to look at the philosophy underlying the progression 
through these states of consciousness, to, as MMY seems to believe, be able to 
achieve "moksha" in this lifetime, one will be introduced to the Guru and to 
Hinduism. I am still blown away by this bold assertion of his, particularly if 
applied to guarantees for the masses. (John, I thought this was your own 
personal idea, which is why I pressed you on it.) However, it could be 
true....we don't *really* know, imho.  

 Having never met MMY or studied his teachings, I don't have the qualifications 
to discuss his translations or beliefs.  But, I do attempt to understand the 
concepts of what is being said, from a layman's perspective.  It's a learning 
experience for me as I travel along.  Thanks for putting up with me.  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <hepa7@...> wrote :

 BG III 27:

 prakRteH kriyamaaNaani guNaiH karmaaNi sarvasaH ||
 ahan.kaara-vimuuDhaatmaa kartaaham iti manyate.

 MMY's translation:

 Actions are in every case performed by the guNas of Nature.
 He whose mind is deluded by the sense of 'I' holds 'I am the doer'.





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