--- sparaig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  There's no "side effect" to CC: its just the brain
> better maintaining the global connectivity
> of Pure Consciousness along with  the normal
> activation of various states whether major
> states like waking, dreaming and sleeping, or
> localized activiations like paying attention to
> music, thought or pain or pleasure.

> > > --- Peter wrote:
CC is the realization of "one's" identity as pure
consciousness. It is not a state of mind, nor does it
have anything to do with brain function. Brain
function has to do with states of mind. CC/realization
has nothing to do with any aspect of the body. Nothing
supports it. All creation is inside it. It is utterly
and completely independent of any boundary.

> --- jim_flanegin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The *realization* of CC does not depend on the
> > things you mention.
> > However, the things you mention are necessary to
> > build the
> > foundation for CC, until CC is realized. Then it no
> > longer matters.

> > > --- Peter wrote:
> I would add that the only change that can occur is in
> the relative. Thus all the techniques for
> "enlightenment" are actually misnomers. They are
> techniques that refine, purify, clarify relative
> aspects of mind that bring you to the doorstep of
> realization. The shift from a bound self to a
> non-localized Self is pure acausal grace that can not
> be enacted from the side of the bound mind.

An interesting dialogue. Perhaps its a matter that somethings are
beyond logic and words. But since you are using words and logic above,
it would appear reasonable to expect the same such in your points.
(Though I am open to why some of the above should be bound by logic
and other parts not.)

"bring you to the doorstep of

"the things you mention are necessary to
build the
foundation for CC, until CC is realized."

That "CC/realization has nothing to do with any aspect of the body.
Nothing supports it" would imply that neither doorsteps nor
foundations are necessary for IT. Nor for the realization of IT -- if
the latter acutally is a distinction of significance.

Though the "loophole" may be that IT is a catalytic type phenomenon.
The catalyst is required for the "reaction", but disappears and is not
required for the new state.

Or perhaps "bootstrapping" is apt description. IT Itself pulls ITself
into ITs realization.

Whether catalytic or bootstrpped, the process still a temporal
phenomenon, "IT was not and then IT was". That seems utterly
inconsistant with the view that "It is utterly and completely
independent of any boundary." Certainly if that is so, it must not be
bound by temporal processes.

And, IMO, its not a matter of, paraphrasing past points, "the relative
mind will never be able to conceptualize this ... so stop day dreaming
and hypothesing what IT is like". Its a matter of describing an
experience everyone has to some degree -- consciousness being alive
within itself.

Perhaps variations and imperfections of the "experience" of IT,
consciousness being alive within itself explains some of the logical
discrpency. IT certainly feels like IT is self-sufficient as if it has
nothing to do with any aspect of the body, that nothing
supports it. But are other interpretations possible? Such as, IT could
absolutely feel like that, but indeed also have some physiological
correlates? (which raises the issue are correlates simply similtaneous
phenomenon, or causative?)

Or, perhaps discussion of IT is a matter that is in all cases beyond
logic and words. If so then it can be said that none of the points in
the above posts are true and/or not true. In such a "realm", it would
seem quite arbitrary to give some statements discretionary importance
and claims of (universal ?) truth over another. And in such a realm,
any discussion that includes IT would be meaniningless and jibberish.

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