--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
> <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I am with you, Hermanitor.  
> >  
> > Until someone demonstrates hovering they should not try to teach 
> > about enlightenment or religion.   
> > 
> > Although I have seen big unathletic geeky ungainly blokes doing 
> > yogic hopping in such an amazingly effortless and almost 
> > way (and long jumps for 20 or 30 minutes) that it becomes 
> impossible 
> > not to believe that there is something to it, that must be 
> > important. It is uncanny what I saw in England many times. This 
> one 
> > unathletic big galoot of a guy, hopping effortlessly and big 
> jumps, 
> > giggling, and almost oblivious to the act of hopping, the whole 
> time 
> > for 20-30 minutes.
> > 
> > OffWorld
> Hi, hovering has nothing to do with enlightenment. It is an 
> indication of a clear channel within the human nervous system, 
> though not an indicator of Self Realization. Whether or not we can 
> manifest results of the Patanjali Yoga sutras or not has nothing 
> do with the complete freedom and lack of boundaries that we live 
> when Self Realization dawns. The sutras are indications of the 
> clarity needed to live an enlightened state and indications of 
> progress to that end. But they are not indications of 
> From my own experience I used to have excellent results with many 
> sutras, and I was definitely not Self-Realized! >>

How do you know you were not self-realised? What proof do you have 
for this, and why can I not consider such proof yet another illusion 
of yours. You see, it works both ways if you want to so construe it.


<<So perhaps this is 
> why the common expression associated with the Yoga Sutras is that 
> they can be a distraction. In other words, the waking state mind 
> finds them flashy and tangible, and may be distracted from its one 
> pointed focus on Self Realization.>>

And who shall make such a concrete and definative judgement that you 
shall pay attention to?...he that only walks and talks?...or he 
that  can fly?


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