Benjamin Creme is delusional. If you have nothing positive to say about me  
than you have proven that Benjamin Creme has taken over your mind. You keep  
referring to my 2006 predictions. You love to put
your attention on belittling others to justify your ultimate devotion to  
Benjamin Creme. The fact that he is saying their are no female masters on earth 
shows his opinion of woman on a personal level gets in the way of his 
channeled  information. I question his information as he sucks more and more 
into  his exclusive organization that promises to save the world. A true master 
does not make those kind of promises. We have
already heard about most of his topics of the oppressive energy of  
Capitalism from Lord Asthtar. We have already heard enough promises from MMY 
and  his 
TMO. I don't need another organization headed by a leader who claims to know  
everything and excludes others. We have enough of that from all the teachers of 
 India who tell us they want the world to come together but refuse to work  
with there ;fellow teachers and organizations claiming to have the  whole truth 
and nothing but the truth. The paths of devotion are coming to an  end 
because it is time for everyone to claim their own experience of self  
It is a wonderful quality of the heart to respect other teachers  who are 
volunteering there time on this planet but co-dependency to the point  where 
can't think for yourself most of the time leads to a false  perception of 
reality. Benjamin Creme loves the attention he is getting but he  is another 
teacher who is failing to bring everyone together claiming to have  the best 
meditation technique and the highest connection to the masters from up  above. 
Teachers need to be more concerned with unification of the human spirit  rather 
protecting the purity of their chosen teaching. Now your starting to  get the 
feeling of those of us who are leaders from the sixth dimension. We  don't 
care who or what you follow. We want to know what your going to do for  someone 
else today to make their life more pleasurable and joyful. Love and  Light. 
Lou Valentino

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