Benjamin Creme is delusional. Your negative comments towards me shows me  
that Benjamin Creme has taken over your mind. Try to think more for yourself  
rather than what Benjamin Creme thinks. He is another teacher who claims to 
the highest teaching of meditation and the ultimate connection to the masters 
 from up above. His claiming that their are no woman volunteering their souls 
 from the fifth, sixth or seventh dimensions in physical embodiment on earth  
today shows his disrespect for woman and his personality getting in the way 
of  his channeled information. Their are no masters on this planet. You don't 
fully  master this planet until you reach the 8th dimension. Then you have no 
further  contact with the earth plane. Any teacher from the fifth, sixth or 
seventh  dimension who decides to incarnate on earth is a volunteer. They still
are working with their own lessons as they volunteer their time to help  
others here on earth. They are not perfect and the kinds of ideological  
expectations from devotees is quite ridiculous. We have heard enough promises 
heaven of earth and that we will become enlightened by 2012 by so many Guru's  
India. We don't need anymore teachers making promises of salvation for  
humanity. All I want to know is who are you going to approach today with love 
make their day more enjoyable. Everything else is a waste of time including 
your  believing in me as some visionary who needs to prove himself to others. 
role  is to bring people together from many different traditions. If you want 
to  belong exclusively to one teacher or one tradition than your awareness 
becomes  limited. Be careful of teachers who make promises of enlightenment and 
who  profess to have all the answers. Benjamin Creme is not someone who needs 
more  attention and many of his predictions don't come true either. Lord Ashtar 
has  already announced his project in "Word project evacuation" by sister 
tuella and  others. Lord Matreiya is making promises and false claims that lead 
me to  believe he could be the one who is trying to fool everyone. Jesus Christ 
is the  one who died for us. Is
Lord Matrieya willing to die for this planet? IF he is not willing to die  
for this planet than how can he take the place of the CEO of this planet which  
is a 10 dimensional master Jesus the Christ? Mary Magdalene is by his side and 
 also has equal mastership in bringing light onto earth. Does Lord Matrieya 
share  any of the glory and if he does is it just to get something out of if 
for  himself and whatever motive he has? Since you are questioning me so much 
it's my  turn to question you. I am referring to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) . who seems bent on  being critical of me because 
of what I say doesn't fall in the same  category of what Benjamin Creme is 
saying. Try to think for yourself and if you  are a better visionary than me 
than put a website up and let's here about your  predictions. If you don't have 
any visions to share than maybe you will always  need Benjamin Creme to keep 
your bored and critical mind busy.  Lsoma.

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