--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nablusos108" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> > > I'd drop in and ask Judy, Sparaig, Peter Klutz, 
> > > Nablusos and Jim how *you're* doing this fine morning. 
> > > Chased off any anti-TM ducks today?
> Thanks for your concern. All is well here, thank you, it's snowing 
> very peaceful.
> You might not have gotten this point, but I never ever try to 
chase off 
> anyone. What I object to is this neverending campaign by certain 
> energies to try to pull serious meditators off their choosen path. 
> want to sow doubt in seekers, doubt in the practice and doubt in 
> Maharishi. And it seems to be a coordinated effort. All the hate 
> project must have a source. I will not speculate on from where 
> hate comes.
> I brought in carma once because I think they are doing serious 
> to their own evolution by doing this. They should just let the 
> meditators alone and continue on their own choosen path, it being 
> Buddhism or whatever.
I share the same reaction as you do with similar motives. 

However I don't think there is anything bonding for example Vaj and 
Barry save for the fact that they couldn't hack TM and rather than 
deal with that, have taken it upon themselves to point the finger at 
those they see as not doubting their experiences, as if this is a 
sign of naivete, as if not being lost in a spiritual hodge-podge is 
a bad thing, or a sign of immaturity. I don't think there is any 
central conspiracy from which this emanates, except their own fears 
and insecurities.

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