From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusos108
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 7:50 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France


--- In
<> , "lurkernomore20002000" 
> > I'd drop in and ask Judy, Sparaig, Peter Klutz, 
> > Nablusos and Jim how *you're* doing this fine morning. 
> > Chased off any anti-TM ducks today?

Thanks for your concern. All is well here, thank you, it's snowing and 
very peaceful.

You might not have gotten this point, but I never ever try to chase off 
anyone. What I object to is this neverending campaign by certain 
energies to try to pull serious meditators off their choosen path. They 
want to sow doubt in seekers, doubt in the practice and doubt in 
Maharishi. And it seems to be a coordinated effort. All the hate they 
project must have a source. I will not speculate on from where this 
hate comes.

I don't think Barry, myself, and most others feel hate or are trying to pull
meditators off their chosen path. I still meditate regularly. Our attitude,
at least mine, is that people will be stronger in their spiritual path if
they can learn to look at things honestly without hiding behind unexamined
concepts and beliefs. If people don't want to do that, they shouldn't hang
out on FFL. If this group appeals to them, then they're probably ready to do
that. I say things here that I wouldn't dream of saying to my sister, who
lives on campus and whose husband is on faculty. I believe chicks should
peck their way out of their shells, not have them opened from the outside.
The TMO is an incubator. When you're ready to hatch, you'll know what to do.

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