--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "uns_tressor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> <willytex@> wrote:
> >
> > uns_tressor wrote:
> > > The danger of the Apaches galloping 
> > > over the horizon is relatively low 
> > > nowadays, I am told.
> > 
> > Were you also told that many Brit invaders
> > had guns that caused the Apaches to gallop 
> > over the horizon to defend the right to 
> > their land? If you weren't told this in 
> > history class, that would be perverse.
> You miss the point.
> The threat which underlay the original tolerance
> of guns is gone. And guns should go along with it.
> Lesislation along with ferocious policing would 
> sort it if, and only if, there was the will.

Uns, just to clarify for a Brit, the purpose
of the original "right to bear arms" language
in the U.S. Constitution was *not* to allow
the people to fight off "Indians" if the need
arose. It was to fight off THEIR OWN
GOVERNMENT if the need arose -- to be 
able to keep a tyrant from taking over and 
turning the country into the very type of 
absolute monarchy they were rejecting with
the Constitution. *That* was the reasoning of 
the founding fathers of America. 

I'm no fan of guns in the hands of those who 
don't have the know-how to use them sanely, 
but one could make a case that there is more 
of a need for this kind of "preventive" gun
ownership now in the U.S. than there was in 
Jefferson's time.

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