--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, billy jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Poor Arjuna. He was a warrior and was instructed by Lord Krishna to
>follow his dharma and fight. That means he could not follow
>Patanjali's practice of non-harming (ahimsa) 


That is correct! The law of Dharma in this case superseded the
admonitions of Patanjali! "In the world of Relativity there are no
absolutes" Swami Yogananda

He may have incurred sin, but it was modified by the context in which
it was performed. More importantly he was following his dharma/duty
and rendering unto the Gunas that which was properly theirs.

> Nor could any of the other warriors for that matter. Although many
>of them practiced intense yoga tapas (austerity) to obtain martial
>>arts siddhis they really must have only been practicing a form of
>yoga-lite McMeditation. 

Doubtful....in those days Religion ruled the day!
>   Don't you just feel sorry for poor Arjuna? He killed people in
>battle. He therefore wasn't qualified for yama-niyama nor sannyasa
>(renunciation). He was not qualified for the inner limbs used in
>sanyama - dharana, dhyana, samadhi. Too bad - must have had bad >karma.

"Arjuna has set himself a task which is impossible unless he attained a
state of consciousness which will justify any action of his and will
allow him even to *kill* in love, in support of the purpose of
evolution."  MMY GitaCH2vs1.
>   Poor Krishna. He was a warrior and killed people too. He wasn't
qualified to do sanyama either. To bad. He must have had bad karma.

Silly boy......    

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