--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 31, 2007, at 12:54 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> > > But even if he WERE psychotic, it would STILL be
> > > unethical for Peter to deliver that diagnosis
> > > publically, and ESPECIALLY for the purpose of venting
> > > his frustration--because he's a credentialed
> > > professional, and his word therefore carries much
> > > more weight than anything the rest of us might say.
> > I don't agree. I certainly didn't take Peter's comment as a diagnosis
> > but a casual aside. You don't like Peter because he is critical of TM
> > and so you jumped on him. That is your normal MO around here.
> Precisely. It is not a formal diagnosis anymore than Barry 1.0's  
> casual remarks on past events are historical research.
> For someone who claims to have a career in editing, it's pretty  
> strange when you can't distinguish one from the other on a consistent  
> basis.

 I am not sure i agree. To assert in one breath that one has the right
and sanction to declare one "crazy" in Florida -- (re)establishing
their credentials, and in the next (a few days later) to assert, on
line, to a virtual stranger,  that based on some posts that they are 
i) crazy, and ii) and recommending powerful psychotropic drugs, 
seems a bit unprofessional, IMO. But what do I know. Ask the Florida
licensing board.

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