> Fair enough. Now, what if the shoe were on the other foot? What if 
> you could dictate *exactly* how Maharishi should act, in your view,  
> with Maharishi listening to every suggestion you made of him, and 
> following through on it? 
> Or if this ability were expanded to dictate how anyone else in the 
> entire world would act; entire countries, heads of state, people 
> past, present and future? Would you be happier, would that solve all 
> of your issues and problems?
> Or at the end of the day, would you still be reduced to... you?  
> Dealing with you, and continuing to see the world as you always have 
> seen it, dealing with the same issues you have always dealt with, 
> regardless of Maharishi's, or anyone else's actions?:-)

Or, at the end of a long(short), day, where time does not exist:
In that place of Silence.
There can be a space created, in your own awareness;
Quite outside of the egos domain, but nonetheless, your's...
In this quiet space, you could do Sanyama on Compassion...
Compassion, and then transcend for a minute:
To Be inside Maharishi's body for a minute, or a second...
And experience how frail he feels compared to how he used to be.
Traveling throughout the world; making friends with George Harrison, 
and John Lennon, and princes and kings, and generals, and all of us.
In big halls, and small ones, hanging out with nuts like Charlie 
Lutes, and good people like Jerry Jarvis.
Teaching around the world, in Africa, and Asia, in Saudi Arabia, and 
Etheopia, in the good 'ol U.S.A.
One of his favorite places was Lake Tahoe, in California;
I saw a picture of him once there- he looked so happy.
He is so small in stature, only 5 feet tall.
His feet are so petite, he only wheres the simplest of sandels, on his 
feet, even in the dead of winter in Iowa, where the wind chill was 
minus 40 below, he just wore a shawl around himself, to keep warm.
He appeared in Iowa, to have been at home, but he must have felt that 
way wherever he appeared.
He certainly changed the world in so many myriad ways.
Just last week, Deepak Chopra, was on TV, again, writing another book, 
this one on Buddha, and in captions below Deepaks name read:
Deepak Chopra is a disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi;
This was broadcast on a show that is watched by millions of people.
So, back to my point: that is if you could get out of your little self 
for a minute and have the comapassion to feel what it must be like to 
be 90 years old, and so on, you would have a real sense of reality, 
not one from the egos point of view, but one more from the soul's 
point of view.
Each and every Siddhi which is experienced is a witness to Unity 
Consciousness, and the deflation of the false ego reality of 

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