This is an interesting post. It reminds me of a question I've had a long time 
that maybe some people out there can answer. It's about kundulini. What are you 
supposed to do with it? 
  Sometimes in my life when I've done a lot of meditation, back in the days of 
TM or later through other systems, the energy could get very powerful, stopping 
just this side of scary. I had a friend who developed burn marks the entire 
length of his spine at a retreat I was on (when I was in the Ramtha school). I 
saw the marks myself, and it was pretty awesome. 
  Kundulini's a natural force, so it shouldn't really be frightening, and 
apparently it's necessary for it to do its work for there to be complete 
opening of the chakras. But how does a person control the darn stuff? I've 
sometimes wondered if the reports in history of people who mysteriously 
"spontaneously combusted" were really about folks who had spontaneous kundulini 
they had no idea how to control. 
  Of course I know the standard "party line" Indian admonition, that "the 
student needs the master" to guide him through the kundulini experience safely. 
But I no longer buy that we have to give our power away to gurus to unfold the 
divinity we naturally are. I'm shy to experiment with kundulini on my own, 
though, if I don't have a better idea what a person should be doing. Maybe some 
of you eclectic mavericks out there have got some suggestions or answers.

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