Le 2023-03-15 à 21 h 38, Julius Smith a écrit :

I was avoiding Discord as well because they messed up my account in a way that could not be fixed without creating a new email address (which is something _I_ refuse to do).  I finally got around it by coming in on the Mac app instead of a browser.  Apparently their browser support is pretty broken.
The (multi-platform) app is a web browser because it's based on Electron, but no filtering extensions can be installed, so I suspect it's worse than using a browser.

Discord is asking for a phone number, either mine or some other... From a company who have an extremely low score for privacy, this requirement is alarming: https://xgqt.gitlab.io/spywarewatchdog/articles/discord.html

The fact that there's warnings about Discord (even if many are dated), that the company changed its image, than hundreds of millions of people are using it for everything (millions simultaneously), that its market value is doubling each year, is not reassuring.

I vote for email!  The only downside I see is the accumulating indented copies of prior emails in the thread. However, if all clients can organize threads by subject like gmail does, we can stop including those in our replies.

I first vote for not using Discord, ever again, because I'm trying to avoid GAFAM (and the likes). Then I vote for emails (my Thunderbird email client is also organizing threads by subjects); they are less distracting than online chat activity, but I may miss important information as chatting is becoming the favored communication method. I admit: I'm old (3% of Discord users have my age), so please excuse my rant. Anyway, if a better (or less bad) platform than Discord (or even Slack) is used, please send the info to the list.

- Julius

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