[This messages is relayed on behalf of Aitor Santamaria Merino ([EMAIL PROTECTED])]

> RQ> Are Windows charsets 8-bit codepages?
> Yes, if you leave out far-east codepages. For example, 932 has much
> more than 256 characters.

This is good news, we can create WIN.CPI ;-))

> And yes, 16-bit are really a severe problem for us. Supporting them
> means the loss of some very nice properties of 8-bit codepages.

Same goes for right-left langs, etc

> RQ> If this is so, we could prepare (I don't know how difficult it
> would be)
> RQ> those codepages to be used with DISPLAY.
> RQ> There's something that I would need to know for KEYB to handle
> thisRQ> easily:
> RQ> which is the highest codepage number known?
> Which KEYB do you mean? I have a german KEYB. The corresponding

FreeDOS KEYB 2.0

> KEYBOARD.SYS file contains support layout "JP" and codepage 932. But
> then, there are no real data records, for this codepage. However, a
> far-east KEYB with DBCS support might contain code for this layout.
> As it goes for european and american versions, I dare to say, the
> highest numbers are 912 and 915 (supported by PC-DOS 7.0). For MS,
> the highest number seems to be 869.
> RQ> ( my wish: below 4000
> RQ> my second wish: below 8000
> RQ> my last wish: below 16000 :-((()
> I agree completely!
> Let me express it more precisely: it would be handy to have all
> codepage number below 4098. Codepage numbers above 16383 would be
> nightmare!
> BTW, what about the codepages which are not supported by MS? I think,
> at least the ISO codepages are worth to be supported. And there are a
> lot of codepages without any official IDs. The most important of them
> is KOI8-R, which should be supported as well. (Arkady, do you agree?)
> I've heard of a proposal about 'user definable codepage IDs' to
> assign IDs above 0xF000 to codepages without official IDs. But I don't
> like to assign such a number to a wide-spread codepage like KOI8-R.

My only wish is that in order to ease support with my current ideas for
KEYB 2.0 would be please not to use all of a WORD; in other words, may
be not go beyond 16k (if possible)


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