Rösberg, Tue 26.11.02
Hi Arkady,

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 13:35:30 +0300 (MSK), Arkady V.Belousov wrote:

AB> 21-îÏÑ-2002 01:57 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Axel C. Frinke) wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
AB>>>      As stated by Matthias, DR-DOS assigns for code pages with euro sign
AB>>> some very big values.
AF>> I think I heard about this, too. But is there an official DR-DOS
AF>> release with such codepages?
AB>      Ask Matthias for details. :)

Yes, I did!

AF>>>> Codepage numbers above 16383 would be nightmare!
AB>>>      Why?
AF>> Well, with the assumption that all codepage IDs would not take more
AF>> than 10 bits, there would be 6 remaining bits to denote variations of
AB> [...]
AB>      Please, don't make such silly suggestions and implementations. Making

Really, I would not call this suggestion 'silly'. Maybe I've gone too
far with 'nightmare', but it's still handy to save address space.

AB> full featured lookup table may be _slightly_ more complicated, but then
AB> later this will not crash your (and our) head when limits will be exhausted.

Yes, but whenever new codepages are introduced, such lookup tables
must be maintained, this can become a cumbersome work.

AB>>>      On the other side, KOI8-R never used in DOS as base codepage, although
AF>> This is no reason against.

AB>      There _are_ reasons. For example - missing pseudographics at positions,
AB> where defined by IBM. Do you know, that VGA adapter will try to fill 9-bit
AB> position between charactres from C0-Df range (unless you turn this off)?
AB> This is required to make solid lines and shapes. And this range is not
AB> reprogrammable.

AF>> You know, there was a time where Internet was never used before.

AB>      Yes. And there was times, when we was tortured by three different DOS
AB> competing codepages, which can't coexist in DOS simultaneously. Moreover,
AB> even two different used codepages (DOS and Windows) makes a lot of
AB> disturbance for us - especially with American programs, which don't (wish
AB> to) know about (1) existance of second half of ASCII8 table, nor (2) about
AB> possibility to coexist more than one charset. Even targeted for
AB> international usage Netscape Navigator was very worse in this!

AF>> Nowadays many people use it in spite. ;-)
AB>      ?

This was just an attempt to be ironic. Your previous statemant about
KOI8-R sounded as if you would refuse to use KOI8-R as default
codepage just because it was never used before.
But now you explained it more and I go for that.

OD>> I don't know is it official or not, but KOI8-R have it's own codepage
OD>> number. In IBM OS/2 it is known as CP878.

BTW, thanks Oleg, for telling! ;-)
This closes a gap for me.


References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [fd-dev] codepage IDs

                                                Rösberg, Tue 26.11.02
Hi Bart,

On Sat, 23 Nov 2002 01:39:39 -0500 (EST), Bart Oldeman wrote:

BO> Sure, NANSI itself uses direct video access, but (N)ANSI.SYS could do a
BO> translation.
BO> This is what the Linux console does: its console driver first translates
BO> from the used character set to Unicode, and then maps the Unicode to
BO> the font used.

How does this work in full screen text mode? At the end, this requires
to display more than 256 different chars at the same time! (Tell me if
I'm completely wrong with this.)


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