Tom get premium food & also dry. He gets baked chicked & fish & dryed bonito flakes that he just loves. I get a big bag of it at the Hong Kong Market for about $20 and it last forever. It is too expensive in the pet stores and then you get a little tiny bag.
Where did you get the Mega C power. I am happy to hear that your kitty came up negative. That is great news.

Barbara Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
delurking while dealing with my dog who has cancer. Mr. Bean was diagnosed with felv+ thru both tests what was it? 3-5 years ago I forget now. anyway, i put him on MegaC+ powder, vit E, a &d, etc, and feed all mycats premium canned food and no dry except for a few pieces as a night treat. he recently had a complete blood work and he was negative. surprised the f**k out of the vet. since he had been in contact with my other cats, I never separated him. I had one postive die at 2 1/2 yrs, one at one year old. Clancy my last remaining positive is still with me and he is 7-8 years old--who came to me as a foster cat when his elderly owner died. he came from a group of 9 cats--none of the others had leukemia. go figure.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: TOM

I have contacted a number of out of state sanctuaries. They are all full. I am still trying. will contact a few more. thanks for the info. tom has been in contact with my others. It is impossible to keep all of them apart and I don't have the heart to make him different from the rest any how. Tom had ther serious felv. He had the IFA test. My vet said when they have that they live about 3 years.

    You have no idea how long Tom has, and neither does anyone else. There are people on this list who have had FeLV+ cats live to over 10 years old. It is rare but it does happen. I have one whose age I don't want to say because I am superstitious and do not want to jinx her, but she is probably older than you are thinking Tom will live to be. 
    Also, cats do not die of FeLV.  FeLV is like HIV-- it is a virus that diminishes the immune system and makes the cat more vulnerable to other conditions like lymphoma and URI's and certain kinds of anemia. So you have no idea how he will die when he dies, or when that will be.
    As far as your negatives go, if you keep them separated they are safe. I have a negative and 4 positives and keep them in separate areas. The current wisdom on FeLV is that it does not survive longer than a few moments in the air, and that cats have to share water, litter, and food for a while before catching it from each other (before they manage to come into contact with virus before it has died in air, which is more likely to happen in a wet substance) or fight.  Most people on this list even mix positives and negatives, just making sure the negatives get the FeLV vaccine every year. I do not do that because I feel like it is taking a chance, but even that is just a small chance and there seems to have been very little disease spread that way.  So if you keep them separate, it should be fine. If they are already in close contact and have been for a while, chances are that those who would contract it already have.
    Finally, I learned from someone recently that there is a cat sanctuary in Arizona that is exclusively for FeLV+ cats. I never tried to find it, but I assume you can find it on the web if you look. If you can't, I would contact Marley's Fund, which is such a group in NC and has a web page, and ask them if they know of it.  Or contact Best Friends in Utah and ask them if they know about it or of anywhere else in the southwest that you can find him a home, if you are not willing to keep him.
In a message dated 4/9/05 8:34:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I know how you feel Jen, I am very sorry. I keep saying that I am going to put Tom down and then I find my self making the time longer. My other kitties will get this and Tom has already over stayed. He only has about another year & a half if even that and I keep thinking that I might be doing him a favor. Felv is a painful death to have to go through. I love Tom to death and I don't know what to do because of my other cats that are non-positive.

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