I meant to say Internists and Orthopedists! Nina

Nina wrote:

Who are you taking Sebastian to? They are ignorant about FeLV. This is not a "symptom" of the disease. You need to find a veterinary specialty clinic, (one that has board certified Internists and Cardiologists), to take Sebastian to, get his records sent over to them and start having someone take more of an interest in what is going on with him! Your regular vet should be able to recommend a hospital, or call the emergency clinic in your area and ask for a reference.

The Vit B dose I was giving Gypsy was 1cc, but she's a small cat. Get yourself a decent vet that will work on your behalf in finding a way to help your boy. (Even your crummy vet should be able to tell you how much Vit B to give). I don't know if that will help Sebastian, or not. Vit B helps perk them up, I do know that, and it's given to kitties that are having a problem with absorbing nutrients from their food. Did you ever find out about Sebastian's potassium levels? It sounds like his legs are getting worse, if this is the first time you've seen him having trouble holding himself up to defecate. Please get on this asap!


Thanks so much Nina and Hideyo for all of your help!!!

The vet was pleased with the results of Sebastian's blood work. I still can not figure out what is causing the weakness in his hind legs. He is falling all of the time now and he laid down in the litter box today when he was trying to use the bathroom. I have checked on the b 12 methylycobalamin. He is not diabetic. Should I give it to him anyway to see if it will help? Is there a maximum dose because I know that you can overdose on some vitamins? Everyone just seems to think that the weakness is just becasue of the leukemia, but I refuse to believe that. His blood work was good and I want to try every option to try and help his legs. Has anyone seen similar problems in their positive kitties? Sebastian was on a high dose of depo medrol for about a year and a half. This may be the cause of the weakness. I just need help. I feel overwhelmed.

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