I have no idea how Spaz got her leukemia, but all I can say is that I had 3 other cats in the house at the time, who were free to have all types of contact and eating out of the same dishes, etc., and none of them got it. Since I don't know how Spaz got it, I have no idea how long she may have had it before displaying symptoms. Her sister, Gizmo, had had contact with her for all of her life, 8 years at the time of diagnosis. The other two only had contact for less than a year. So, from my personal experience, it does not appear very easily spread. My vets still recommend vaccinating my other 5 cats (I gained two more later on), even though 4 out of those 5 have no contact whatsoever with Spaz because I have two that absolutely will not get along, and I keep Spaz and Gizmo separated from the other four. From a statistical standpoint, I think this is ridiculous, but I cannot bear the thought of one of them getting this horrid disease, so, for me, I feel the risk of vacc. is worth it. My own personal experiences with vaccinations also seem to indicate that complications from that are minimal. It is just that I never, ever again want to see an animal feel as bad as Spaz did, and go through the agony of not knowing if it will live, and wondering if it all could've been prevented with a vaccine. But these are just my own personal experiences and feelings.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: Testing saliva for FeLV (was 'interesting')

This only tells me it's not nearly as hard to catch as they try and make people believe. And I still don't think it would be very easy to catch by grooming, I would watch Bailey and joey groom each other and they actually would groom and touch tongues and Joey still never got it!!
 Not only can they possibly test without
taking blood, but if FeLV is hanging out in the saliva
then it IS possible to pass it along via grooming (ie.
heavy petting...lol).  What do you guys think about
this new research?  <<<<<


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