I know this is a bit off topic - but my Shakiti ate a big piece of dental floss this morning before I could get it away from him.  He just put his little head right into the bathroom garbage can and helped himself.  I took him to the vet's this morning and they gave him an emetic but no floss from either end so far.
The poor boy is scared to death and he probably feels pretty rotten right now.  He's the most feral baby I have - very feral to everyone but me.  I can hold him on his back and talk to him and he just drools on my arm and falls asleep with his motor running.  I am worried sick about him especially since the vet says they want to keep him overnight and if we don't recover the floss they want to do surgery in the morning.  I'm reluctant because it can take more than one day for something like this to pass - but on the other hand it could get all wound up in his intestines and cut his insides.
Any advice?  He is very healthy otherwise...2 years old and FeVL-.  Never again will I dispose of dental floss that isn't wrapped up in something else.  I feel like the worst mom in the world.
Sick with worry,
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