OMG, I love the good reports!  Keep it up Lucy and Michelle!!


Thanks. Anything dairy, including yogurt, has made her worse in the past. Something, I think the metaclopramide, is kicking in. She has eaten a bunch of broiled turkey (only plain-- tried adding some of the stuff from the recipe you sent but she just wants it plain). She ate the whole piece I broiled her, so I am broiling her more. She is also acting much perkier. And she just had stool agaiin, about 9 hours since the liquid diarrhea, and it was very very soft but formed, which is a big improvement. So my hope is that something, or the combination, is working. Still does not give a clue as to whether this is an IBD flare-up, intestinal lymphoma, or a parasite or bacteria, as the combination of meds I am giving her could make her feel better with any of those (pred (10 mg/day), metaclopramide, metronidazole, and pepcid plus fluids). Here's hoping,
P.S. She does not do well with fish either. I tried all of that early on when she first had her symptoms, and turkey was the only thing that allowed her to have solid bowels. It's why I settled on turkey with her. Like Gypsy.

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