Well, she ate almost all of the second batch of turkey that I broiled, and has probably eaten about a third of a breast by now, at least.  And then she killed a mouse. I feel so guilty about that. I was telling my mom this morning about how I switched from corn litter to pine litter a few weeks ago and that seemed to take care of the mouse problem, and I had not seen one since. I knew right after saying it that I should not have said it, and a few hours later I found one dead. I was on the computer and heard a loud sound downstairs, but thought it was just a cat jumping down from a counter or something. I then heard strange meowing and assumed it was Quincy in the bedroom, who often calls me that way.  But it was lucy catching a mouse.  I just was not thinking about it or taking the normal precautions of running down to check noises that could be pounces or predatory meowing. I have been so focused on making her better that I just wasn't thinking about it, and I was too late. The poor little mouse was still warm when I picked it up.

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