That's great!!  I hope it continues for a long time, too.  If at some
point she stops responding, there are a few chemo drugs to ask about-- CCNU
being one, Elspar being another if she is not using it now.  But hopefully
that will not be the case for a long time.

Your old vet should be ashamed of himself.  Unfortunately, vets like him
are more the norm than the exception-- it is how they respond.  I am hopeful
about this changing, slowly, because I met an intern who told me that at
least some vet schools are now teaching that FeLV is not a death sentence
and cats can live a long time with it, and that cats with it should be
treated for the problems that arise.


I think we are pretty lucky around here.  Even the staff at the low cost
spay/neuter clinic will tell you FELV is not a death sentence and they
definitely don't advise euthanasia of cats that test positive.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!


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