This has not been a good weekend at my house.  I have a little 4-cat feral 
colony I have fed daily for a year -- we've had pretty bad weather lately and 
I've put mounds of food out -- and haven't seen Buddy and Sissy, two little 
longhaired tabby littermates in over a week.  Hoped that they were just coming 
and eating when they were hungry since there was so much food - and not coming 
around waiting for me to get there at my usual time.  Sat. I called and called 
- it was a nice day, warmer and sunny, and I'd left only a small amt. of food 
Friday hoping they'd show up Sat.   A man who lives next to where I feed them 
came out and told me that one of the tabbies had been hit by a car and died in 
his yard.  From his description I think it was Buddy.  I am devastated.  Buddy 
had evolved from a totally feral little boy to a friendly fella who met me in 
the Backyard Burger (where the feeding station is) parking lot when he heard my 
car.   I could pet him, even rub his tummy.  If I
 sat still I could ease him into my lap.  His sister still wouldn't let me 
touch her but has been getting better.  I planned to relocate both Buddy and 
Sis to my back yard as soon as I could touch Sissy.    Separating them wasn't 
an option.  Sissy was Buddy's little shadow - she depended on him so.    I 
didn't try to trap her since she was coming around and I figured in a month or 
two more I would be able to pet her.   Now I am kicking myself for not 
relocating them sooner.      I have a friend who feeds for me on Sunday and she 
saw Sissy -- or at least she thinks it was Sissy and not Buddy.   I almost 
think it would be better if it were Sissy to have died because Buddy is so much 
more independent and open to human touch.   Please add my little Buddy Bear to 
the CLS.  He was neutered, vaccinated and negative for felv/FIV.   And about 2 
years old.
  This morning I left my little miracle man, Leader, all wrapped up in my 
sweatshirt on the bed - and, I think, dying.  He was born with feleuk - his 
whole litter tested and retested positive.  All his littermates died at or 
before about age two -- including Gloria's Mittens -- but Leader has lived to 
be just 2 months short of SIX years.   He has been doing fine -- skinny, 
looking like death warmed over -- but fine until he recently got an awful URI.  
  I've treated him with immunoregulin, Baytril, Tylosin, Naxcel, fluids.   Up 
until last night he was eating well altho weak.  This morning he wouldn't eat.  
 Please put him on the Special Needs List and please, all, pray that he beat 
this URI.    Thanks.

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