In a message dated 4/14/2007 11:46:25 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

I see  you haven't removed the invisible sign welcoming wayward ones from 
your front  lawn :-) .'s still on...lmao
Think people have figured out I'm a rescue even though I keep a  low profile 
in my neck of the woods.
Well, the female is about a week or two from having them.  Husband says no 
way on aborting them. He is from the old school and he would  never forgive me 
if I did this.
Overall, she appears to be in good health. Will know more when  I get her 
inside out of the rain and cold.
Have intentions of spaying and neutering everybody before they  leave. I 
don't need anymore kittens or cats as I have 10 personal kitties. They  will 
be mixed in with my own cats. Geez, that would make my place a  "ZOO"
Where I live the female can roam again after she is  spayed and vaccinated.  
Who knows maybe my daughter will take her when she  leaves and moves into her 
own place soon...I hope!
I will take some photos of her and show you guys the kittens  after they are 

I  Googled your question about worming pregnant cats and got conflicting 
answers.  If it where me, esp given her age and circumstance, I'd have her 
and  the kittens aborted.  It may sound harsh, but I've come to that  
conclusion from harsh realities.  I completely understand and respect  your 
to let her have her kittens, esp if she is in good health and  you are able to 
take on the responsibility.  I love the babies and even  with my harsh opening 
disclaimer would be thrilled to hear the pitter patter  of little kitten paws 
about the place.  If you are going to take this on,  I would bring her to the 
vet and have her checked.  At the very least,  get a stool sample and have it 
checked for worms.  I know there are  certain worms that can be dangerous for 
the kittens.  From the behavior  you describe, I'm betting Little Girl will 
tame up in no time.  She  sounds like she is reaching out to you and has had at 
least some good  experiences with humans.  What a smart girl to have found 
her way to  you!
Congratulations.  Please keep us  informed,

Terrie Mohr-Forker

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