Some in our group have had great luck using Elavil for cats that pee inappropriately. I think the way it was done, was to give it orally (or use ear cream) for 2 weeks, then gradually reduce it (like every other day) until the behavior showed up again, then administer as appropriate (weekly, daily, every two days, etc).


On May 29, 2007, at 10:08 AM, wendy wrote:


Maybe changing his name would


--- Stray Cat Alliance

Ever since we added 2 kittens to our household last
July (they were initially fosters but due to illness
and other issues we ended up keeping them), our cat
Stinky (how appropro) has been peeing everywhere.
Thank goodness we have only one area rug -- which of
course, he does not pee on. He pees on vertical
surfaces such as furniture like the stereo stand,
walls, in front of the front and basement doors.
Ugh. Our house smells like vinegar and the furniture
is ruined. My husband keeps saying, we have to "get
rid of" Stinky. I'm like -- I don't think so. We'll
just have to deal with it. He is at least 7 years
old and hopefully if we ever get to move to a bigger
house, it will stop.


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