I don't know just "how" I can even write this, but my Charity DID  
cross...... I can only pray it was peaceful...... But, w/ her pitiful crying, I 
she was in pain.....
And, someone [sorry, memory is shot] mentioned getting a cab........ But,  
since I moved, my [wonderful] vet is in Md., & I'm in a small town in Pa.  With 
NO cab service.......
It all happened so [too] fast, I am in shock, besides myself...... Don't  
know "what" to do...........
And, trust me, I DID try contacting many people.......As far as "house  
calls", well, no one was available.   They all said "Wait 'til  
sure..... I deep down inside, knew Monday  would be too late.... BUT, I DID 
pray for a miracle......  Didn't want to give up.......
I can only be glad that she finally had a home & knew  she was very much 
loved......{Lot of solace that brings me now....]
And, it's Saturday, HOT & I want to have her cremated & vet's not  in til 
Moday.....And, I also don't have a trunk freezer for her remains......  Can't 
any worse.......
And, being up w/ her the whole time, I'm just too devastated to even "try"  
to get some rest......
Thank you ALL for your prayers & suggestions.[This list has the BEST  people. 
so caring. understanding.....The MAIN reason I never "left" after losing  my 
I did write Belinda for the CLS separately........
Have to go.  With my "vision problems" & with all these tears, I  can't see 
at all now......
Much love, with tears,
Patti & her [remaining] gang

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