I've seen no difference in Sammy when he has been on Interferon.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 30, 2007, at 9:25 PM, laurieskatz wrote:

Hi ~ I am resending this in hopes for some feed back. (I will read the info about meds as suggested). I know of a human on interferon who is very lethargic. Do people see this with cats on interferon? I ask because Isabella is most active after we give fluids but generally pretty laid back....would appreciate any input ...thanks!

Hello and many thanks to all who responded (what a knowledgable and supportive group). Q: Is the immunoregulin something I would use **instead** of interferon?

For those who responded about Revolution ~ we won't use this again. One of my cats with allergies responded very negatively to Advantage. So, I just have to hope we keep fleas at bay. We are 100% indoors but I work in my wildlife friendly yard and understand I could bring one inside.....

What is IM, please?

Isabella's counts were as follows: (numbers in parens are normal ranges)
WBC 3.65 (5.5-19.5)
HCT  20.6 (30-45)
RBC  3.72 (5-10)
HGB  8.1 (9-15.1)
GLOB (globulin?) 6.2 (2.8-5.1)
Total protein 9.1 (5.7-8.9)
Her Neut(?), Eosiniphils and PLT were all below normal
MCHC and MCH were above normal

The numbers that were desginated as being most dramatically off were:
Glob, Neut,HCT, RBC. MCHC and MCH

Any input greatly appreciated....thanks!

----- Original Message ----- From: "cindy reasoner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: new here ~ feleuk+ cat with high temp


My cat Smokey had the same problem with fevers.  After
many different stays in the hospital and 1 doctor at
my vet's office that didn't really seem like she
wanted to help Smokey I changed the vet he goes to.
The new vet started him on the immunoregulin.  She had
me give it to him subq.  It says IV but Smokey would
have never let her or me do that.  We started giving
him injections 2 times a week for a month or so then
gradually decreased the dosage.  Now I give it to him
once a month.  It has been well over a year since he
has had a fever.  I hope this might help you with

I won't use Revolution anymore.  Back in May we went
camping and I took my diabetic cat (Katie) with us.  I
used it because I was worried about mosquitoes getting
into the camper. This was the first time I had ever
used it.  I know Katie had a reaction to it because
she developed diarrhea.  She didn't have it before I
put it on her.  Her skin became really flaky too.

I hope your Isabella starts feeling better soon.

Cindy Reasoner

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