I am so sorry, Caroline.

Please be @ peace w/ the love & time you had w/ Monkee, he would want that.

He would not want you to grieve and blame yourself for things that are out of 
your control.

Please take care of yourself.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Caroline Kaufmann 
  To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
  Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 10:47 AM
  Subject: Monkee is gone

  My beloved cat Monkee passed last night in my arms while I held him with my 
Mom standing next to my side.  At about 2:30 a.m.  

  We were going to take him to Dr. Maier's for euthanasia this morning at 8:00 
a.m.  I thought he could make it until then and that he wouldn't want to go to 
a strange emergency vet clinic he'd never been to before for his passing.  I 
didn't know he was that bad.  I feel so bad.  It was so horrible.  He was 
having some trouble breathing, but I was usually able to calm him down by 
holding him and giving him flower essences.  He had begun to have trouble 
walking and he would cry at me really loudly when he wasn't able to do 
something he wanted to do because his brain was not getting enough oxygen (like 
walk around).  I didn't want him to be in pain or suffer and I feel like I 
failed him.  

  He did go really quick, but I was hysterical as it was happening.  We were on 
my bed and I was holding him.  He took a last gasp of air and then he stopped.  
When his body when limp, I felt like I might die too.  I think the only thing 
that helped me and my mom was that she has "rescue remedy" with her and we both 
took it right away.  It sounds odd to say that, but immediately after it 
happened, I felt a sense of peace-- for him.  I think the rescue remedy helped 
my breathing at that time.  I just held him afterwards and talked to him  and 
pet him and kissed him for about two hours.  I told him how wonderful he was 
and that I would never be the same without him.  I walked around the house, sat 
with him on the porch he loved so much and took him outside for his last time 
to hold him while sitting on the front steps.  

  I have never had an animal die in my arms like that and to have it be my best 
friend-- the best companion I've ever had...my heart just feels like it's 
wrenching in half.  I feel guilty and traumatized.  I am having a hard time 
erasing the memories of his passing.  When I close my eyes, I see his face as 
he took his last breath.  I don't how to recover from that.
  I've never been lonely since I had Monkee and now that he's gone, that 
loneliness is crashing in.  

  I hope all of you are able to continue to care for your cats and give them 
the peace and love that they so desperately need.  I admire those of you who 
take care of multiple FelV cats and have lost some in the past and continue to 
keep doing the work that you do.  My thoughts and my prayers are now with all 
of you and your babies.  I felt like I didn't have the mental energy to devote 
many of my prayers in the past few weeks to any cat other than Monkee, but I 
will be praying for you now.

  I also wanted to remind everyone that you never really know the power of what 
love can do for a cat like Monkee, until you experience it.  When I found him, 
he was a crazy, dirty, little ragamuffin eating doves, baby rabbits, and 
whatever else he could catch in the courtyard of my law school apartment 
complex in Northern Ky 4 years ago.  And four years and 1 month ago, I couldn't 
take his living it up in "the killing fields"- as I called it- anymore.  It 
took so long to get him to be a somewhat normal cat.  Something bad must have 
happened to him because he was already neutered when I found him, so he had to 
have belong to someone.  He was deathly afraid of men and it took until 
probably about this past year for that fear to almost subside.  I don't think 
anyone else in my life (other than myself) believed that he'd ever be trusting, 
cuddling, sweet, lfunny, love-bug that he was with me.  The first time I turned 
on my radio and my tv after I had brought him into my life, he freaked out and 
hid under the bed for hours.  After lots of love and being spoiled rotten, and 
having four years to experience as many things as possible, he had truly become 
my best friend.  He would comfort me when something went horribly wrong in my 
life and the past 4 years have been pretty turbulent for me so he had a lot of 
comforting to do.  He was what always cheered me up when I was at my lowest low 
and he was what kept going.  He slept on my bed with me every night and even 
when I was just away for one night, I would miss him and miss having him there 
in the morning to wake up with.  I am going to miss him so much. 

  I also wanted to say "Thank You" for being such an instant support group for 
Monkee and I.  We really needed help these past few weeks and you all really 
came through for us.  

  Thank you,


  Missed the show?  Watch videos of the Live Earth Concert on MSN. 

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