Thank God, Susan, all but a few have been seen alive.  Prayers going out for 
you to find all 9 (?) of these furbabies.  Too bad the electrical isn't working 
or you could plug in some  I can't imagine what these kitties 
are thinking right now, but I know it's good that you are coming around because 
they know you.  Please keep us posted when you are able.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

----- Original Message ----
From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 12:57:40 PM
Subject: Re: FIRE!!!!!

Two of the missing cats -- Buddy and Lil Mister -- are my personal cats, two 
former feral brothers.  (I have their sister YoYo with me right now.)  Buddy 
has been seen inside since the fire but he is really freaked, reverted to 
feral.  Lil Mister has not.
Sugar is in the house, also a former feral, and she's pretty smug about not 
going into those traps we've set.
Gustine (also known as Yard Fodder) is a VERY feral lynxpoint siamese girl, a 
foster, and she has been seen after the fire inside the house.
Tuffy is a sweet fearful former feral foster girl, a little tabby.  Have not 
seen her.
Widget is a very shy all black kitten, maybe 4 months old.  Have not seen her.  
(She's the only one of the kittens still missing.)
There are still 3 outside feral cats, all of whom have been seen.
We have traps set inside and out.  Going back with a drop trap in a few days to 
get the outside cats.  Planning on camping out there overnight soon to try to 
get the remaining inside cats.  The general consensus is that they are hiding 
inside the house and, after trapping Rooster overnight and Tanner yesterday, 
and finding Ember hiding in the burned out basement, I suspect they are all 
still inside.  If I keep going back and keep baiting those traps, eventually I 
should be able to get them all.  No one has been found dead so I have to assume 
they are alive and in there somewhere.

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have crossposted to the hyperT group.  I can also send to my cousin in L.A. 
who knows people, but she's out of town until the middle of this month.  I am 
so, so sorry this has happened to you, but so, so happy that none of your 
kitties were killed in the fire.  I have a dumb question: are the five lost 
cats just lost/hiding in the house in the rubble or are they outside somewhere? 
 Also, are all your personal cats accounted for or are some of them part of the 
missing five?
Sending good vibes your way to find those lost kitties and that you find a 
place soon to rent until you're able to get settled again.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

----- Original Message ----
From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 11:03:14 AM
Subject: Re: FIRE!!!!!

Just set up a photobucket account with photos of (a) fire damage, (b) missing 
cats and (c) adoptables in foster care.  PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.  The link is  I will gather more photos as 
I can but I want to start circulating what I have.  
Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are still missing.

Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found as 
yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can assist with 
adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly rentals between 
Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up to 1500 per month,,
If you can't reach her you can contact me also
p.m. and I will reach her,

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