I have experienced BOTH having a feleuk positive cat die at home and a feleuk 
positive one I thought was dying survive. The difference? The one who I thought 
was dying (it was Isabella who is doing GREAT NOW) continued to eat. She wasn't 
eating as much but still defecating and eating SOME. She was miserable. She had 
many other symptoms (high temp, anemia, spasms or seizures, pain or false pain, 
hiding). I called the vet one day when I was sick with worry and asked if it 
was time. He said not if she is still eating. This was over a month ago and she 
is (for now) symptom free ~ we found the right combination of meds, etc.

I had no idea Stripes was dying (my first cat to die so I didn't know anything 
about it). Wasn't eating or drinking. We took him to vet every day or so for 
fluids and vitamins. He later changed locations and laid in his litter box for 
a couple days (or so?).  I regret deeply putting him through this. When I 
finally realized he was dying- when he started having trouble breathing and was 
coughing. I called the vet to have him euthanized. We went outside to dig his 
grave while waiting for the vet and when we came back in he had died. This is 
my experience and I will never have a cat suffer to death again. 

I wish you and your kitty Moeman the best,

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