I'm sorry for your loss, Laurie.

laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Belinda, can Keisha be added to the CandleLight service list, please?
She was not feline leukemia positive
Died 7.14.07
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Belinda" 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: Typical course of a dying FELV kitty? long letter- sorry 

> I used epogen (same thing as procrit) when my Bailey was anemic along 
> with prenisolone because we suspected the virus was in his bone marrow 
> supressing his immune system and interfering with blood building. We 
> reversed his anemia with this combo.
> Procrit used in humans is at a much, much higher does and shouldn't scare 
> anyone off from using it with cats that are anemic, any cats with CRF end 
> up using it in the later stages as the kidney disease eventually 
> interferes with the production of erythropoietin which the Epogen, Procrit 
> and the new drug called Aranesp help to produce.
> In my mind your cat WILL die if the enemia isn't reversed period, so if 
> there is something that may help what have you got to lose??
> Below paragraph my opinion (based on what my vet told me when I asked her 
> about this):
> PS. Has your cat been on a minimum 4 to 6 week course of Doxocycline for 
> possible hemobartonella? Even if he tested negative he should have gotten 
> this (my opinion). Hemo is very hard to test for and many cats tests 
> negative again and again before it is finally found. Though they are 
> never cured of hemo the doxy will put it into remission. If they don't 
> have it it isn't going to hurt to get the doxy but my very well save their 
> life if they have an undiagnosed case of hemo.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
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