Hey All,

   Autumn is doing really well overall. She's been feeling so good in fact
that she's been trying to steal human food. She's tried to do this as long
as we've had her. The only difference is that she's now bigger and sneakier.
On Friday night she got into a plate and ate some pizza crust with a little
sauce on it. She also ate part of a cooling banana bread loaf on Saturday.
When I set the loaf out she was playing happily in another room - when I
turned around she was munching away~_~ The problem is that she's developed
diarrhea. She has no other symptoms. We try hard to keep her out of people
food, but if you turn your back for a second she gets into your plate.
Should I get her in to see a vet ASAP or just wait and see?  I understand
that sometimes people food upsets their stomachs. I have a soft food for
cats with intestinal troubles. Should I take away her hard food and give her
the I/D formula? She's also had terrible kitty gas.

~Susan A

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